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Pre-game Meet & Greet Reception at the Mariners
Pre-game Meet & Greet Reception at the Mariners
Saturday, July 12, 2014
5:10 PM - 6:45 PM
Ellis Pavilion, Safeco Field
Free attendee
Thanks to Delta Air Lines, attend the Pre-game Meet and Greet
Registration is closed
July 12, 2014
Mariners' Salute to Japanese Baseball
Pre-game Meet & Greet Reception
Join other fans and family to meet and network before the game along with some special Mariner guests!
Meet new Mariner President Kevin Mather
Special Guest: Kelli Suguro, UW Huskies Softball Team
Starting 2B and former Mariners ballgirl
We'll have snacks and a no host bar. This will be a great time to socialize, meet the Mariner Moose, and meet other Mariner and Japanese community leaders.
Make sure and purchase your game tickets at
<<<----- Join the reception by registering here.
The Mariners are giving away 20,000 Hisashi Iwakuma bobbleheads so come early. After you use your game ticket to enter and get your Iwakuma bobblehead, come over to the Ellis Pavilion to the left of the Home Plate Entrance for the Pre-game Reception.
Pre-game Reception Cost: Free
For the flyer, click
Mariners Event flyer 3 4.pdf
PreGame Meet and Greet Sponsors:
Presented by:
© Japan-America Society of the State of Washington
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