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  • JIS Training Workshop

JIS Training Workshop

  • Saturday, April 12, 2014
  • 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
  • The Seattle Public Library (University Branch) 5009 Roosevelt Way, N.E. Seattle WA 98105


  • Welcome Back!
  • Free

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  Workshop for Japan in the Schools


JASSW will hold a training workshops for 2 Japan in the Schools programs: 

Japan in a Suitcase (JS): Taro

This presentation follows a Japanese third grader named Taro through his day in school.  Students will have the opportunity to learn how to use chopsticks, speak some simple Japanese phrases, see textbooks Taro uses in class.

Japanese Language and Culture Visits (JLCV):  Customs, Shopping, Restaurant

These presentations give high school Japanese language students an opportunity for Japanese immersion in "real life" situations, using the skills they have learned in class.

If you are a new volunteer, or have been away for awhile, please come to train in our new, updated presentations. 

Admission is free.  For more information about the JIS program, phone (206) 374-0180 or visit the JASSW website:

     Gain Confidence in             public speaking. 
       Get first-hand  experience in American        public schools.


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