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Act For Japan-Volunteer Registration-

  • Sunday, March 09, 2014
  • 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • University Temple United Methodist Church: 1415 NE 43rd St., Seattle WA 98105


Registration is closed
Act for Japan
1pm to 7:00pm
University Temple United Methodist Church

Japan Student Group (JSG) is looking for volunteers for the annual Tohoku Earthquake Aid event on March 9. Although it has been three years since the disaster, there is still much to rebuild and recover, and the aid has been waning annually. We would like to invite those students to show our strong and continuous support to this relief.

This year iLeap will have 25 students from Fukushima participate, and with the combined efforts of University of Washington's JSA and JASSW's JSG we hope to make this a great event!

Tasks include:
Set-up, Cleaning, Booth Help, Overseeing broadcast messaging, or others. (tasks will be delegated via email)

Deadline for registration: March 8
Please contact for more information

Japan Student Group(JSG)では、3月9日に行われる東日本大震災復興支援イベントで、ボランティアを募集しています。震災から丸3年が経過しましたが、被災地の復興のためには、皆さんの継続したご支援が不可欠となっております。震災の記憶を風化させないためにも、ぜひ学生の皆さんの積極的なご協力をお待ちしております。

今回はNPO法人iLeapを通じて、福島から25名の日本人学生が本イベントへ参加予定です。彼らと共に、University of WashingtonのJSA及び日米協会JSGがボランティアとして協力し、イベントを大々的に行います。


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