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Board of Directors Challenge for 98th Holiday Celebration and Auction

  • Tuesday, November 30, 2021
  • 5:30 PM
  • Online


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

Dear Board of Directors, 

 As you know that for this year’s celebration theme we take the Olympics as our inspiration:  “Raise a Toast to the Tokyo Olympics - Hats off to Tokyo Olympic Athletes!”  Like the athletes who participated in the Tokyo Games, we have never lost our hope of success even as we faced struggles and experienced setbacks.  With the help and support of our board members, Society associates, and community friends, our teamwork has demonstrated our strength, flexibility, and endurance in times of difficulty.

This is the biggest fundraising event of the year and helps us to continue our important programs and further our mission.  To achieve the board-approved net-income goal of $100K,  the Committee would like to ask each of your participation in the  “100% (Gold Medal) Board Participation Challenge”.  Please see attached tracker sheet. We will compete with Past Chairs/Director 2022/2023/2024 as groups for medals!

Auction Item Donation & Board Wine Collection

Because of COVID, we have lost many regular sponsors and donors, either because of financial hardship or because the business closed.  For this reason, it is critical to have a good number and variety of items for our online auction as well as new contacts for potential sponsors.  Please be a Holiday Celebration Champion:  In addition to board wine/check, please procure at least one additional donation from yourself, or a business associate or friend.  Let’s display our championship banner and GET INVOLVED!  We are just two years before celebrating 100 years of our service so your support now (ongoing support) will help us make our centennial the celebration of a century!   Let’s make our GOLD MEDAL DREAMS happen!


Our goal this year "100% participation" will be focused on all 3 items below.

Dozo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu,


2021 Holiday Celebration Dinner and Auction Committee

Shoko Farmer / Adam Goff / Yoshie Phillips / Jim Reed / Takeo Sato / Tatsuya Fuse

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