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Postponed until further notice: JIS Festival & 37th Washington State Japanese Speech and Skit Contest

  • Sunday, March 08, 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Japanese Cultural & Community Center


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • May limit access to JIS Festival
  • May limit access to JIS Festival

Registration is closed


Participate in the JIS Festival held in collaboration with the 37th Annual Washington State Japanese Language Speech and Skit Competition. Celebrate the 25th anniversary of the education program Japan In the Schools, provided by the Japan-America Society of the State of WA. 

* All students attending will be entered in a raffle for the chance to win one economy class round-trip ticket to Japan!    Terms and Conditions apply.

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Schedule: March 8, 2020

「jcccw logo」の画像検索結果 1414 S Weller St, Seattle    

9:00  Registration Opens
9:30 - 9:55 Opening Ceremony
10:00 - 11:00 1st Session
11:15 - 12:15 2nd Session
12:15 - 13:10 Lunch
13:15 - 14:15 3rd Session
14:30 - 15:30 4th Session
15:45 - 16:30 Award Ceremony

17:00 End of the Festival

Registration Fee: $15
*Includes a t-shirt and one raffle ticket

「tres sandwich logo」の画像検索結果*Lunch is available for an extra $10

Check or Online payment only.
Registration will be canceled if payment
is not received within two weeks of signing up.

- Important -

Event is open to the first 80 students who
register. Parents are welcome to join at no
extra cost for the Award Ceremony.  
Speech & Skit contestants must register
for the JIS Festival also if they wish
to participate in any of the Festival activities.

Camp Rules

One of the motives of this festival is to make it purely immersion. This means that everyone will be speaking Japanese! Each student will be given yellow cards to hold up when they need to use English. 

Students will be put into groups and will be rotating around each classroom. On top of attending each session, each student group will get a chance to watch the WA Speech & Skit Contest. 

Available Classrooms

祭り:The matsuri class will have three booths where students can try activities such as...
  • Kingyo Sukui/金魚すくい
  • Takoyaki Making/たこ焼き作り
  • Hit the Target/割りばし射的

利き茶:How well do you know your tea? Put your taste buds to the ultimate test in the tea tasting contest! Winner will win a prize!


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クイズ:Put your knowledge to the test in the trivia room! Here, participants will be challenged as a group to answer a variety of questions ranging from...

  • Onomatopoeia/オノマトペ
  • Geography/地理
  • Japanese Culture/日本文化

 スピーチ&スキット コンテスト

Students applying to the contest must apply once here and on the Hyogo BCC website. Find more information about the Speech contest here! 

Application Deadline: February 14, 2020

For Students Applying to the Speech & Skit Contest:

  • STEP ONE: Students must register for the speech or skits contest through this website. 
  • STEP TWO: Students must go to the official Hyogo BCC Speech & Skit Contest Website to complete the application process.
  • Application Deadline: February 14, 2020
  • Please refer to the guidelines found on the official HBCC Speech & Skit Contest website for more details.
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