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Update on Japan and Role in Asia ~ Japan's importance in the future of Asia

  • Thursday, March 31, 2016
  • 11:30 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Hilton Hotel:1301 6th Ave, Seattle, 98101-2304


  • Abenomics and the Future of the Japanese Economy. Dr. Daisuke Karakama, Chief Market Economist for Foreign Bank Exchange at Mizuho Bank
  • International Maritime Law and Regional Security in Asia. Mariko Kawano, Professor of International Law at Waseda University
  • Japan and International Development in the Postwar Period. Dr. Akihiko Tanaka,Professor of International Politics at the University of Tokyo

- Japan's Importance in the Future of Asia -

 Update on Japan and Role in Asia

**Registration is now closed**

A panel of high-level experts from Japan will give up-to-the-minute briefings at this half-day conference.

An afternoon of lectures and discussions on the future of Asia and the roles of Japan and the US-Japan Alliance given the changing dynamics of the region.  Speakers will cover issues ranging from economics, geopolitics, and international development.  Prof. Akihiko Tanaka, former president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), will give one of the keynote lectures.

アジアの未来と日本の役割、そして日米同盟に関するレクチャーとパネルディスカッション。 経済、地政学、国際開発に関連したトピックをカバーする。


Akihiro Tanaka, PhD

Professor of international politics at the University of Tokyo and former director of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).


Daisuke Karakama

Chief Market Economist for Foreign Exchange at Mizuho Bank. He has written extensively on global markets and issues of currency exchange.

Mariko Kawano, PhD
Professor of international law at Waseda University and specializes in maritime security and international criminal law.

Panel Discussion

Bonji Ohara

Former officer in the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Forces and current researcher at the Tokyo Foundation.  He specializes in regional security and Chinese diplomacy.


Toshihiro Minohara, PhD

Political scientist and diplomatic historian at Kobe University specializing in the current politics and history of US-Japan relations.

James Auer, PhD

Emeritus professor at Vanderbilt University and Director at the Center of U.S.-Japan Studies and Cooperation.  He specializes in geopolitics and maritime security.

Glen Fukushima

Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and former USTR director for Japanese affairs.

*All lecture and discussion titles are tentative

Title sponsor: All Nippon Airways -

Enter our Essay Contest after the Event to win Two Economy Class round-trip tickets* to Japan out of Seattle with ANA!

*Travel must be booked by March 30, 2017.

*Some restrictions and conditions may apply.

You attended Update on Japan’s Role in Asia. Now enter our Essay Contest to win two ANA round-trip tickets to Japan!

Submit an essay that argues for or against one of the Update on Japan’s speakers’ positions and deepens a reader’s knowledge of and interest in Japan’s role in Asia. This must be an opinion piece. Essays should be applicable and interesting to large numbers of readers.

Essays due April 8th, 2016 (Friday). 

The winning author will win 2 ANA Economy tickets to Japan! The runner-up will receive a one-year individual JASSW membership or one 2016 Event Voucher.

Submissions will be judged on 1) Clarity, 2) Originality/Insight, and 3) Relevance.



Submit Word and PDF copies to Dale Watanabe at by April 8th. Write “ANA Essay Contest 2016” in the email subject line.

Essays must be in English. Maximum of 1,250 words or 5 pages, excluding the bibliography. Submissions must be double-spaced with 12-point type and 1-inch margins.

Do not use your name anywhere, except on the title page. Title page must include the essay title, author’s name, position, email address, and telephone number.

JASSW encourages writers to use public domain or original materials only.

Submissions will not be returned. JASSW and essay judges have final responsibility for accepting essays. All submissions become property of JASSW, for use as JASSW determines.

FINAL DECISION                                                                   

The winner and the runner-up will be announced on the JASSW website around April 25th, 2016 (Monday). The winning submission will be published on the JASSW website.

A small ceremony will be held on April 26th, 2016 (Tuesday) at the JASSW office to present the prizes to the winner and runner-up.


If you have questions, please contact Liz Lee at or 206.374.0180.



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