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Clean Energy Pathways for Japan and the U.S.

  • Wednesday, October 28, 2015
  • 5:00 PM
  • Bellevue City Hall Council Chamber & Concourse


  • Includes price of admission for two
  • Includes networking reception
  • Includes networking reception
  • Includes networking reception
  • General public
    Includes event and reception

Registration is closed

Clean Energy Pathways for Japan and the U.S. 

JAS/JBA/UW Business Round Table

Supported by:

Clean Energy Pathways for Japan and the U.S.   

With the stand down of nuclear power after the catastrophic Fukushima Crisis in 2011, Japan found itself facing a critical energy dilemma. Until that time, 30% of Japan’s energy generation came from nuclear power plants. Japan was forced to increase its use of fossil fuels to fill the gap - a costly effort which pushed the country’s current accounts into deficit and has made it difficult for Japan to keep its commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Unable to continue on with either nuclear power or fossil fuels as a main source of energy, what is there left for Japan turn to? 

Keynote speaker, Professor Daisuke Kitazawa, will talk about the generating energy from the ocean -- wind, tides, and other alternatives with a focus on his work done in the Tohoku area.

In addition, the coasts of Oregon and Washington State provide the largest potential for ocean wave generated energy in the lower U.S., and Puget Sound in particular has enormous potential for producing hundreds of megawatts of energy through tidal power.

  At our Clean Energy event we will dive into both the science and business of harnessing geothermal energy and ocean energy as a clean, sustainable power source for Japan.  


Keynote Speaker

Dr. Daisuke Kitazawa

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Biofunctional Systems, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo   




  Mr.Kenji Ushimaru     

President, Infra Innovations and JETRO Senior Advisor


Mr. Perry England

            Vice President of Building Performance,               MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions

Ms. Susan Petty

President and CTO of AltaRock Energy 


 Mr. Kelly Ogilvie    

Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Governor Jay Inslee


4:45 -               Registration Opens

                         Pre-program Reception                                                         (snacks will be served)

5:45 -               Business Round Table

7:15 - 8:30-     Post-program Reception                                                       (with cheese and hors d'oeuvres)





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