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VIP Event: New Voices from Japan (NVJ) Conference

  • Saturday, February 28, 2015
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Hatch Building, Suite #202, 6 Nickerson Street, Seattle, WA 98109
  • 6


  • Can include JASSW guests

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New Voices from Japan (NVJ) Conference

The SPF Young Japanese Scholars/Experts Overseas Deployment Program is designed to provide a new generation of Japanese scholars with the skills they need to participate fully in international discussions.   Please join these presentations and discussions that  will nurture the next generation of Japanese scholars and experts on a set of interesting topics.  Your participation will help them to develop the ability and connections to participate in Japan-America discussions and debates on topics of importance to research and policy communities in both countries -- as well as foster healthy bilateral relations.

While the main goal of the project is to provide training and international experience to a new generation of Japanese experts, it will also offer U.S. communities an opportunity to hear the views of Japanese experts from the new generation, and will aid in building new pipelines for other US-Japan intellectual exchange.


 Saturday, February 28, 2015   2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

1:30 pm

Refreshments served

2:00 pm


Dale Watanabe, Japan-America Society

Toshihiro Nakayama, Keio University (SFC)

 2:15 pm

 The rise of e-business in Japan’s hanging economy and the role of the Japan Association of New Economy.

Jun Makita, Staff, Japan Association of New Economy

2:45 pm

 Competition or a strategic choice?  The international politics of the China backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Japanese position.

Aki Mori, Assistant Professor, University of Tsukuba

 3:15 pm

 From Hiroshima to Fukushima:  Evolution of Japan’s nuclear posture.

Shinsuke Tomotsugu, Assoc. Prof., Hiroshima University

 3:45 pm

 Questions and Answers

Panel of speakers

 4:00 pm


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